Choosing the right Venetian Plastering courses for you is an important choice, but can be a minefield.
Use this page to look through our selection of Venetian Plastering courses, we have also devised a list of factors to consider whilst choosing Venetian Plastering courses.
Small group sizes mean that we can offer you one-to-one training.
We have designed our Venetian Plastering courses with a focus for intensity. This can mean that we fit a lot of finishes into a small window. In order to do this, we believe that it’s important to concentrate on a smaller number of students. Students won’t get overlooked and we will ensure that all queries are covered during the course.
Venetian Plastering Academy is run by fully qualified and experienced teachers.
When we say that “We know what it’s like on this journey”, we really know. Our instructors bring a huge wealth of knowledge to our Venetian Plastering Courses so that we can teach you from an experience level. It’s our belief that this is the secret behind what it takes to succeed as a Surface design artist.
In the heart of Rochester, Kent.
Our Venetian Plastering courses are held in a purpose built, air conditioned studio ensuring a comfortable learning environment for all.
We have made sure that everything has been thought of. down to nearby open spaces to stroll whilst you absorb the knowledge. Tasty and nutritious food to fuel you throughout the duration. Rochester is also a beautiful town to explore during the evening times and we will do a team get together during your stay.
At Venetian Plastering Academy, previous trowel experience is not always necessary.
We provide Venetian Plaster training for all levels. Sometimes our students will have zero previous knowledge and we have also had students who already have a wealth of experience. At Venetian Plastering Academy, we are sure to have Venetian Plastering Courses for all levels.